Wednesday, September 24, 2008


See, Hear and Understand - ChordWizard Music Theory 3.0 contains How Music Works, a comprehensive suite of multimedia tutorials that explain music in clear, simple language you can relate to.

Packed with over 118 topics, and illustrated with 350 diagrams and 750 demonstration sounds, ChordWizard Music Theory 3.0 is approachable for beginners. It starts with the very basics of sound and music, but it also advances to topics which are valuable for professional musicians.

You will learn how to use all of the musical concepts in practical ways with your own accompaniment, improvisation and songwriting activities.

The How Music Works tutorials are a major enhancement over the music theory tutorials included in either ChordWizard Gold or Silver Edition 2.0, with more than twice the content, and much better coverage of most of the topics. It also contains a huge number of extra diagrams and sounds.

Whatever musical instrument or style you are interested in playing, ChordWizard Music Theory 3.0 will be an essential source of information and guidance for years to come.

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